Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 September 2014



I've been seeing all these campaigns to quit things for October, such as STOPtober - give up smoking
Go sober for October - give up drinking.

Well I want to try something different. I want to bring something into people's lives. Give them the opportunity to try something new, something that they've known about but never given it a chance. I'm talking about ROCK!! No not the sort you find up hills and mountains, but rock music. 

Now I know that straight away some of you will think long greasy hair, black sweaty t-shirts and head banging. Well there maybe some of that (just a little) but what I'm trying to highlight the form of rock that is around and that not people know about or would normally classify as rock. There are thousands of rocks songs and many (MANY) of those that have been influential. Some artists have used forms of rock songs, licks, riffs in their songs and there will be some who will not know that it came from a rock song. 

What I want to do is highlight songs that have been influential, fundamentally important, set the bench mark, not only for me but that have also shaped the world of music that we all love. 

Please keep watching, reading and let the world of rock inspire you! 

Saturday, 9 February 2013

The admirer

I must admit, I'm loving sitting here. Watching her from a distance. She makes me smile. She doesn't know how much but she does. She is the one who you watch, and when she looks back she gives you butterflies. You try and hide it but you can't. Each and every time. I am lucky, as I can call her my wife.